I am Anthony Roberts
On my YouTube channel, I make videos about tech, productivity and lifestyle. Check out my most popular videos.
What I am up to
🎬 On my YouTube channel, I make videos about tech, productivity and lifestyle. Check out my most popular videos.
✍️ On this website, I share tech hacks about productivity, entrepreneurship and generic life advice that I've found helpful over the years.
Other Stuff
💻 I learned to code at the age of 10, and was building computers at age 14. I started a company at university, with my uni friend Mohit, building bespoke computers for fellow students with parts sourced from computer fairs.
This was partly how I paid for my university tuition. As a side hustle, we supplied bootleg CDs full of educational material for educational purposes only of course!. I believe our small enterprise helped hundreds of students get through University on a lower budget.
🚴 I enjoy cycling the traditional way, but often commute in London with my awesome Tesla Gotway Electric uni-bike. I cannot recommend it enough.
Let's Connect
Don't forget to visit me on Youtube to SUBSCRIBE and I will see you in the comments. 🙂
If you like what I do here or want to reach me for any reason please get in touch using the channels listed below:
➜ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AnthonyRoberts
➜ https://www.instagram.com/leveltwentytoo/
➜ https://twitter.com/leveltwentytoo
➜ leveltwentytoo@gmail.com
➜ Suite 24, 334 Kennington Lane.
SE11 5HY